Monday, August 29, 2011

The Advantages Of Green Tea For Your Health

Green tea is popularly consumed to keep the body slim or for slimming the body. But beside to slimming the body, green tea still has lot of advantages for your health. Consuming green tea as your drink is more bring advantages for you than you consume other drink. This drink is helping you to fix many diseases, from ailment up to severe disease. For ailment that can be fixed by green tea such as influenza. Even cancer also can be fixed by consuming green tea.

In addition it is also still has lot of advantages for your health such as avoid and decrease high blood pressure, avoid you from high blood sugar, decreasing the cholesterol, decreasing the risk of liver, help your body to fight the virus such as influenza viruses, decreasing the risk of stroke, preventing the decrease of nerve function, good for healthiness of your gum, decreasing the stress, losing the tiredness, prevent the cancer disease, prevent the possibility of osteoporosis, prevent the asphyxiate, improve the cognitive function, protecting your liver, and many more.

Of course it has large advantages for your health. So, why don’t you start to consuming green tea from now to keep your health and still keeping your weight? In addition the price of green tea is also affordable.

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